Freedom from "Transfer to reserve"...
New Conditions for Interim Dividend..
Transfer of shares to Investor Protection Fund....!
Please read...
Dividend - Comparison between Cos Act 1956 Vs 2013
Cs. Uma Madhu, AGM Finance - Red FM
Companies Act 2013 has brought out a few changes in the
existing provisions of Companies Act 1956 regarding declaration and payment of dividend.
Chapter III and Rules 3 – 3.23 of Companies Act 1956 dealt
with "Dividend". In the Current Act, Chapter VIII and Draft Rules 8.1
- 8.7 of Companies Act 2013 deal with the same.
Similarly, the relevant sections in 1956 Act were Section 205
and 207. Now, Sections 123 to 127 of Companies Act 2013 deal with the same.

A Quick Run Through of provisions in Companies Act 1956 and CA 2013.
dividend shall be paid out of
Profits of the company for the year after providing for depreciation or
2. Profits of the previous years
arrived at after providing for depreciation and remaining undistributed or
3. Both of the above
-Dividend shall be paid to registered
shareholders only, whose names appear in the register of members
of the company in case of physical shares and to the registered beneficial
owners whose names appear in the
register of beneficial owners maintained
by depository in case of dematerialized shares
Interim Dividend can be declared by the board through board's resolution and
not by resolution by circulation
-The Final Dividend can be recommended
by board and declared by shareholders only in the Annual General Meeting. The
share holders cannot increase the Percentage of Dividend but they can decrease
--Dividend once declared becomes the
debt for the company and the company cannot revoke the decision once declared
-Within 5 days from the date of
declaration of dividend, the company has to deposit the amount of dividend in a
separate account opened for this purpose in any scheduled bank.
30 days from the date of declaration of dividend, the dividend has to be paid
or the dividend warrant has to be dispatched.
-Within 7 days from the date of
expiry of the 30 days of declaration of dividend , the unclaimed or unpaid
dividend has to be deposited by the company in a separate account opened for
this purpose called "Unpaid
Dividend Account"
-Within 90 days from the date of transfer of
unpaid or unclaimed dividend to a special account, the company has to prepare a
Statement of unpaid dividend and display the same in the web site of the
company and In any other web site as approved by the central government in
prominent manner
-After the expiry of 7 years from the
date of transfer of the Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend to "Unpaid Dividend Account", the unpaid
or unclaimed amount shall be transferred to "Investors Education and Protection Fund" established by the
Central Government.
-When instrument of transfer of
shares is delivered to a company for registration and the transfer of shares is not registered by the
company, the dividend in respect of such shares shall be transferred to
“Unpaid Dividend Account” unless the
company is authorized by the registered
holder of such shares in writing to pay such dividend to the transferee
specified in such instrument of transfer.
-Also keep in abeyance in relation to
such shares any offer of right shares under Sec 62(1)(a) and any issue of fully
paid bonus shares in pursuance of Sec 123(5)
Transfer to Reserve
Mandatory transfer of specified percentage of profits to reserve
Mandatory transfer to reserves has not been acknowledged by CA
2013.Companies are free to transfer any or no amount to reserves
Interim Dividend
All provisions applicable to final dividend equally apply to interim dividend
Specifically provides that if the company incurs loss during the
current financial year, upto the end of the quarter immediately preceding the
date of declaration of interim dividend, then the interim dividend cannot be
declared by the company at a rate higher than the average dividends declared
during the immediately preceding three financial years
Restriction on declaration of Dividend
Company cannot declare dividend if irredeemable preference
shares are not redeemed (80A)
Company cannot declare dividend if the company fails to comply
with acceptance of deposits and repayment of deposits accepted prior to the
commencement of 1956 Act.(73 & 74)
Mode of Payment
Dividend cannot be by way of kind. Dividend payable in cash can
be paid by cheque or warrant
Dividend cannot be paid by way of kind. Dividend payable in cash can
be paid by cheque or warrant or through any electronic mode. Electronic mode
of payment is permitted
Transfer of shares to IEPF
CA 1956 provides that only unclaimed or unpaid dividend can be transferred
CA 2013 provides that not only unpaid or unclaimed dividend can
be transferred to IEPF but the shares on which the dividend is unpaid or
unclaimed can also be transferred to IEPF along with a statement with certain
specified details
Useful life of asset
Schedule VII of CA 1956 deals with Depreciation
The existing provision of CA 1956 have been retained. The main
highlights of 2013 are the residual value or useful life of an asset has been
specified in Part C of the schedule. The company has to disclose the cases
where the useful life or residual value is different from the useful life or
residual value as specified in Part C
of the schedule and Part C is not applicable to companies for whom the useful
life or residual value is notified by a regulatory authority
Payment of dividend out of free reserves
It provides that dividend shall be paid out of
It provides that dividend shall be paid out of "Free
Reserves" only. The term "Free Reserves" is defined now
Credit to IEPF widened
Items to be credited to IEPF Account are being retained
The items to be credited to IEPF Account has been widened to
include additional items over and above the existing items
Dividend related
activities - Listing Compliance
Some important clauses in the listing agreement relating to Dividend
are compiled below:
keep dividend in abeyance where such dividend declared in the interval between
lodgment of a valid instrument for transfer of shares with the company and its
eventual registration
-Clause 16-To
agree to close its books for the purpose of declaration of dividend and give
notice to Stock Exchange at least 7 working days in advance of the date of
closure of transfer books and also will intimate the purpose for which the
transfer books are closed
company will intimate the Stock Exchange at least 2 working days in advance
about the Board Meeting at which the proposal for recommendation of dividend
and or passing of dividend due to be considered. The company will recommend or
declare dividend at lease 5 days before commencement of the closure of its
transfer books
-Clause-20A-The company agrees to
declare and disclose the dividend on per share basis only
company will fix and notify the Stock Exchange at least 21 days in advance of
the date on from which the dividend on shares will be payable and also will
issue the dividend warrants/ cheques payable at par at such Centres as agreed
to between the Stock Exchange and the company and also collected at par with
collection charges at the cost of the company in any bank in the country other
than the Centres agreed to between the Stock Exchange and the company to speed
up the payment process on or before the date fixed for payment
company agrees that it shall not issue shares in any manner which may confer on any person any superior
rights as to voting or dividend with the rights on equity shares that are
already listed
-Clause-49- In respect of complaint
received from any shareholder regarding non receipt of dividend, a board
committee called “Share holders or Investors Grievance Committee” under the
chairmanship of a non executive director shall be formed to redress the
grievances of shareholders
Penal Provision - Sec 124(7)
a company fails to comply with any of the requirements of Sec 124, the company
shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than five lakh rupees but
may extend to twenty five lakh rupees and every officer of the company who is
in default shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than one lakh
rupees but which may extend to five lakh rupees
Penal Provision – Sec 127
-Where a dividend has been declared by a company but has
not been paid or the warrant in respect thereof has not been posted within
thirty days from the date of declaration to any shareholder entitled to the
payment of the dividend, every director of the company shall, if he is
knowingly a party to the default, be punishable with imprisonment which may
extend to two years and with fine which shall not be less than one thousand
rupees for every day during which such default continues and the company shall
be liable to pay simple interest at the rate of eighteen per cent per annum
during the period for which such default continues
Provided that no offence
under this section shall be deemed to have been committed:—
(a)where the dividend could
not be paid by reason of the operation of any law;
(b) where a shareholder has
given directions to the company regarding the payment of the dividend and those
directions cannot be complied with and the same has been communicated to him;
(c) where there is a
dispute regarding the right to receive the dividend;
(d) where the dividend has
been lawfully adjusted by the company against any sum due to it from the
shareholder; or
(e) where, for any other reason,
the failure to pay the dividend or to post the warrant within the period under
this section was not due to any default on the part of the company.
Good article madam. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteIn comparison pt no.3 w.r.t restriction on declaration of dividend, in 2013 remark column it is mentioned as before commencement of 1956 act relating to sec.73 &74.
Hope it is before commencement of 2013 act as the mentioned sec.73 &74 relates to the new act.
And one more point of difference is,in the 1956 act CG has the power to permit any company to declare or pay dividend for any FY out of the profits for that year or any previous FY without providing depreciation.(sec.205(1)(b))
No such power under the 2013 act.
Dear Madam
ReplyDeleteTransfer to reserves before declaration of dividend is made voluntary rather mandatory.
Your voluntary transfer of these provisions to the blog is commendable.
Certainly this article would yield dividends to the readers.
Good keep it up.