1. Which are the class of Companies that need to constitute Audit Committee?
2. What should be the composition of the Committee?
3. What is the qualification prescribed for the members of Audit Committee?
4. What are the powers and duties of the Committee?
Please read:
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Cs. Sankara Subramanian, Company Secretary, Trichy
Audit committee under Companies Act 2013 - A detailed analysis
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Chapter XII [Section 177] of Companies
Act, 2013 deals with Audit Committee. The new concepts like Independent
Director, Financial literacy of members of the Committee, Whistle blower
mechanism etc., are incorporated in the Companies Act, 2013.

between Companies Act, 1956 and Companies Act, 2013 on provisions relating to
Audit Committee are as follows:
Companies Act, 1956
Companies Act, 2013
Section 292A
Section 177
which are required to Constitute Audit Committee:
Every Public Company having paid-up
capital of not less than Rs.5 Crores shall constitute an Audit Committee
which are required to Constitute Audit Committee:
and Draft Rules 12.4:
a) Every listed company; and
b) Every other public company-
i) having paid-up capital of Rs.100 Crores
or more; or
ii) which have, in aggregate, outstanding
loans or borrowings or debentures or deposits exceeding Rs.200 Crores
shall constitute an Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall consist of
minimum 3 Directors of which 2/3rd shall be directors other than
M.D or Whole time Directors.
[S.177(2) and 149(6)]:
The Audit Committee shall consist of a
minimum of 3 directors with independent directors forming a majority.
While the Companies Act does not have
any prescribed qualification, listing Agreement provided that all members of
audit committee shall be financially literate and at least one member shall
have accounting or related financial management expertise.
Literacy [S.177(2)] First Proviso:
Majority of members of Audit Committee
including its Chairperson shall be persons with ability to read and understand
the financial statement.
Effectively, what has been given in the
listing agreement is included in the new Act.
of reference [S.292A (2)]:
The Audit Committee shall act in
accordance with the terms of reference to be specified in writing by the
Board. What are all the terms rests with the sole decision of the Board.
of reference [S.177 (4)]:
Every Audit Committee shall act in accordance
with the terms of reference specified in writing by the Board which shall, inter alia, include-
recommendation for appointment, remuneration and terms of appointment of
auditors of the company;
and monitor the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of
audit process;
of the financial statement and the auditors’ report thereon;
or any subsequent modification of transactions of the company with related
of inter-corporate loans and investments;
of undertakings or assets of the company, wherever it is necessary;
of internal financial controls and risk management systems;
the end use of funds raised through public offers and related matters.
of Audit Committee in Annual Report [S.292A (4)]:
The Annual Report shall disclose the composition
of the Audit Committee
of Audit Committee in Board’s Report [S.177(8)]:
The Board’s Report shall disclose the
composition of the Audit Committee
of the Performance of Audit Committee:
of the Performance of Audit Committee [S.134(3)(p) and Chapter IX - Draft
Rules 9.10 (4)]:
All the Companies which falls under the
purview of constituting an Audit Committee + Companies with paid-up capital of
Rs.25 Crores or more (calculated as at the end of the preceding financial
year) should describe the manner of evaluating the performance of Board,
Committees and Directors
to Vote [S.292A (5)]:
The auditor, internal-auditor and
Director in-charge of Finance shall attend and participate at the Audit
Committee Meetings but however they do not have the right to vote.
Right to Vote [S.177(7) and 2(51)]:
auditors of the company and the key managerial personnel shall have a
right to be heard in the meetings of the Audit Committee when it considers
the auditor’s report but shall not have the right to vote
Note: “…right
to be heard…” confers an irrefutable right to the auditors of the company and
the key managerial personnel to give their explanations on matters relating
to Audit Report.
of Audit Committee [S.292A (6)]:
The Audit Committee should have discussions with the
auditors periodically about internal control systems, the scope of audit
including the observations of the auditors and review the half-yearly and
annual financial statements before submission to the Board and also ensure
compliance of internal control systems.
of Audit Committee [S.177 (5)]:
The Audit Committee may call for the comments of the
auditors about internal control systems, the scope of audit, including the
observations of the auditors and review of financial statement before their
submission to the Board and may also discuss any related issues with the internal
and statutory auditors and the management of the company
Note: The CA, 2013 makes it discretionary for the Audit Committee
to have discussions with Auditors on the aforesaid matters.
of Audit Committee Meetings [S.292A (6)]:
S.292A(6) mandates for periodical
discussion with auditors and review of half yearly and annual financial
statement which implies that there shall be a minimum of at least 2 Audit
Committee Meetings in an year
of Audit Committee Meetings [S.177(4)(iii)] and 2(40):
S.177(4)(iii) states that the Audit
Committee shall examine the financial statement and the auditors’
report thereon. Hence unless otherwise required there shall be a minimum of
at least 1 Audit Committee Meeting in an year. In case of Listed companies,
the Audit Committee will meet once in a quarter to approve the quarterly
financial results.
of Audit Committee [S.292A (8)&(9)]:
The recommendations of the Audit Committee
on any matter relating to financial management, including the audit report,
shall be binding on the Board.
If the Board does not accept the
recommendations of the Audit Committee, it shall record the reasons therefor
and communicate such reasons to the shareholders
Note: If the Board does not accept the recommendations of the
Audit Committee, it shall at its Meeting record the reasons and hence the
refusal has to be recorded in the Minutes of the Board Meeting.
Such reasons for refusal shall be
communicated to the shareholders i.e. the reasons may not form part of the
Board’s Report/Annual Report and a separate communication to the shareholders
would suffice.
of Audit Committee [177(8)]:
Where the Board had not accepted any recommendation
of the Audit Committee, the same shall be disclosed in the Board’s Report
along with the reasons therefor.
Note: If the Board does not accept the recommendations of the
Audit Committee, it should be disclosed in the Board’s Report along with
reasons for refusal.
of the Audit Committee and right to attend the AGM [S.292A (2) & (10)]:
a. The members of the audit committee
shall elect a Chairman from amongst themselves.
b. The Chairman of the audit committee
shall attend the AGM to answer any queries relating to audit
of the Audit Committee and right to attend the AGM:
The Companies Act, 2013 does not
contain any provision for the procedure of electing the Chairman of Audit
Committee and his right to attend the AGM
Mechanism (Whistle Blower Mechanism):
Companies Act 1956 does not have a
mechanism for Whistle Blowing;
Listing agreement has a provision on
Vigil Mechanism, but has prescribed it as recommendatory only.
Mechanism (Whistle Blower Mechanism)[ S.177(9) & (10) and Draft Rules
Every listed company, companies which
accept deposits from the public and companies which have borrowed money from
banks and public financial institutions in excess of Rs.50 crores shall
establish a vigil mechanism for directors and employees to report genuine
concerns in such manner as may be prescribed.
The vigil mechanism should provide for
adequate safeguards against victimization of persons who use such mechanism
and make provision for direct access to the chairperson of the Audit
Committee in appropriate or exceptional cases:
Provided that the details of
establishment of such mechanism shall be disclosed by the Company on its
website, if any, and in the Board’s Report.
If any of the members of the audit
committee are conflicted in a given case, they should recluse themselves and
the others on the committee would deal with the matter on hand.
In case of companies are not required
to constitute an Audit Committee, the Board of Directors shall nominate a Director
to play the role of audit committee for the purpose of vigil mechanism
to whom other Directors and employees may report their concerns.
important points:
1. Every existing Audit Committee shall upon
commencement of the Companies Act, 2013, be reconstituted in accordance with
S.177 (2) with in 1 year from the
date of commencement [S.177 (3)].
2. All appointments, including the filling
of a casual vacancy of an Auditor under S.139 shall be made after taking into
account the recommendations of such Committee [S.139 (11)].
3. An auditor appointed under this Act shall
provide to the Company only such other services as are approved by the Board of
Directors or the Audit Committee, as the case may be, subject to the restriction
contained in the Section [S.144].
4. Where a valuation is required to be made
in respect of any property, stocks, shares, debentures, securities or goodwill
or any other assets (herein referred to as the assets) or net worth of a
Company or its liabilities under the provision of this Act, it shall be valued
by a person having such qualifications and experience and registered as a
valuer in such manner, on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and
appointed by the Audit Committee or in its absence by the Board of Directors of
that Company [S.247 (1)].
5. In case of repeated frivolous complaints
being filed by a Director or an Employee, the Audit Committee or the Director
nominated to play the role of Audit Committee may take suitable action against the
concerned Director or Employee including reprimand [Draft
Rule 12.5 (4)].
6. The SEBI in order to align the provisions
of Corporate Governance Norms in
line with Companies Act, 2013, has approved some gist of proposals at its Board
Meeting held on 13th
February, 2014 wherein it was decided to extend the role of Audit Committee.
Hi Mr.Sankara Subramanian, Neat presentation and covered almost all the points related to Audit Commitee. You would have included the penalty clause also. For Company Rs.1 Lakh - 5Lakh, for Every officer imprisonment upto 1 year / Fine Rs.25000- 1Lakh / both. Comparison idea is good and the picture is too smart.