Monday, 3 March 2025

Exam Tips/ Interview with Hemasri

  Congratulations Hema on completing the Module one of new syllabus; why did you chose to write only one module that too- first module

Thankyou Sir. I was doing my bachelors of commerce (21-24-regular college) simultaneously. I had my final semester exams and also I was doing EDP- I had no time to study for both modules and also personally I’ve never given both modules earlier in my executive too, so I was afraid to appear for both modules and thought it will be hard to manage.

2.     Your paperwise tips….

Module – 1

Paper 1- ESG:

Focus more in Part B and C- few chapters but high weightage and Part A which primarily talks about corporate governance is already covered in executive. ESG needs less time only so plan accordingly.

Paper 2- Drafting & Pleading

Part A- 70 marks- 8 chapters- 4 is theory and practical which can be remembered easily and other 4 chapters is practical. Focus more in 4th chapter drafts. Be strong in this part.

Part B-30 marks-vast and dry chapters- skip the chapters which you feel heavy.

Paper 3- Compliance management, Audit & DD

This paper needs at least 2-3 revision. Plan accordingly. Repeated concepts will be there.

Part A- 40 marks- Don’t skip any chapters- Easy part- Just theory

Part B- focus on CSAS and others later.

Paper 4- Open book

I chose CSR for my open book. The 50-50 split is an advantage to figure the question paper and score accordingly. Read twice the material which you are referring to. Practice a lot of mock tests using previous year question paper and learn to manage time. Take limited materials.

Other Tips:

1.       Present Neatly- Start every question in a new sheet- Write in 1 colour pen only- Underline important key words, section number and regulation- Write in a structured way.

2.       Practice past year question papers/ write mocks.

3.       Revise at least 3 times.

4.       Watch Marathons- discuss with friends – do group study…etc

5.       Try to gain knowledge and not to just pass the exam.

 You got very good marks in ESG (61) and a reasonably good mark in Compliance management (56)- and open book marks are not as high as other 2 (40). Can you discuss about your performance Vs the marks obtained ....

 I focused on ESG more to get my aggregate. ESG question paper was very easy and I presented in a good manner too that helped me to get exemption. CMADD is the subject I was so afraid of, since the whole syllabus was so dry and it’s hard to remember every concept and key words- but somehow the question paper was manageable and it helped me to score good marks there.

Open Book- CSR- The question paper was bit harder when compared to other 3 papers. To find answers and write it down into small points needs lot of practice. I attended only for 75 marks due to lack of time.

I’m satisfied with my performance and my marks except in CSR paper.

Did you attend any classes – also suggest books and reference materials if any for the papers.

I’ve taken classes in Arivupro Academy- recorded classes which helped me a lot. Other than module, I didn’t refer any books.

 What are your plans for the next module- any specific plan or ideas you want to share for the Module 2 ?

 I’m planning to attend M2 in this June 2025 and self study. I’m so new to this module, so I have no clue but just maintain that determination and consistency/ discipline.


Interview by: CS Mohan Kumar

Other related posts:

CS Professional New syllabus - Paperwise tips- Interview with Dhanush

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