Types of Whistle Blower:
SOX is an essential law which has brought discipline in financial reporting process. The transparency brought by this Act is boosting investor’s confidence which further helps building a strong capital market in the economy
Clause 49 of the listing agreement is pretty much on the lines of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. According to Clause 49, the top management becomes directly accountable for all financial statements and internal controls of the organization, which is also the bottom line in case of Section 302 of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002
o Create a Policy
By : CS M.Kurthalanathan
term “whistle-blowing” originates from the practice of British policemen who
blew their whistles whenever they observed commission of a crime. Whistle
blowing means calling the attention of the top management to some wrongdoing
occurring within an organization.

A whistleblower may be an employee, former
employee or member of an organisation, a government agency, who have willingness
to take corrective action on the misconduct.
The Companies Act,2013 has mandated certain
companies to establish Vigil/Whistle-blowing mechanism to report any unethical
behaviour or other concerns to the management.
Types of Whistle Blower:
A Whistle Blower may be
within the organization who discloses any illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices
to the employer. He/she may be;
Superior officer or
Any designated officer
External :
A whistle Blower may be
outside the organization who discloses any illegal, immoral or illegitimate
practices to the company. He/She may be;
Law enforcement
Watchdog agencies
Sarbanes-Oxley Act,2002(SOX):
This is an Act
enacted by U.S. congress in 2002 to protect investors by improving the accuracy
and reliability of corporate disclosures.
It is a set of standards that all U.S public
companies and public accounting firms must comply and adhere with good quality
SOX is an essential law which has brought discipline in financial reporting process. The transparency brought by this Act is boosting investor’s confidence which further helps building a strong capital market in the economy
Clause 49 of the listing agreement is pretty much on the lines of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. According to Clause 49, the top management becomes directly accountable for all financial statements and internal controls of the organization, which is also the bottom line in case of Section 302 of Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002
SOX is applicable in India?
Yes, all companies,
including Indian, which are listed on US stock exchanges, are required to
comply with the requirements of the Act.
Corporate governance in India too has taken a
clue from provisions of Sec. 404 of the SOX Act.
Provisions of SOX for whistle-blowers:
- Make it illegal to
"discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass or in any manner
discriminate against" whistleblowers
- Establish criminal penalties of
up to 10 years for executives who retaliate against whistleblowers
- Require board audit committees
to establish procedures for hearing whistleblower complaints
- Allow the secretary of labour
to order a company to rehire a terminated employee with no court hearing.
- Give a whistleblower the right to a jury trial, bypassing months or years of administrative hearings
Objectives of whistle-blowing:
- To encourage employees to bring
ethical and legal violations they are aware of to an internal authority so
that action can be taken immediately to resolve the problem
- To minimize the organization's
exposure to the damage that can occur when employees circumvent internal
- To let employees know the
organization is serious about adherence to codes of conduct
Whistle Blowing Mechanism
to Whistle-Blowing:
- A lack of trust in the internal
- Unwillingness of employees to
be "snitches"
- Belief that management is not
held to the same standard
- Fear of retaliation
- Fear of alienation from peers
for Creating a Whistle-blowing Culture
o Create a Policy
o Get Endorsement From Top
o Publicize the Organization's
o Investigate and Follow Up
o Assess the Organization's Internal
Whistle-blowing System
Provisions related to
whistle-Blowing mechanism:
As per Listing Agreement
As per Companies Act,2013
is a non-mandatory requirement under clause 49 of the listing agreement
The company may establish a mechanism for employees to
report to the management concerns about unethical behaviour, actual or
suspected fraud or violation of the company’s code of conduct or ethics
It provide for adequate safeguards against
victimization of employees who avail of the mechanism and also provide for
direct access to the Chairman of the Audit committee in exceptional cases.
Once established, the existence of the
mechanism may be appropriately communicated within the organization.
is mandatory for
the listed companies
which accept deposits from the public and
which borrow money from Banks and PFI
in excess of Rs.50 crores under section 177(9) read with Rule 12.5.
Companies which are required to
constitute an audit committee shall operate the vigil mechanism through the
audit committee.
For other companies, the Board of directors
shall nominate a director to play the role of audit committee for the purpose
of vigil mechanism to whom other directors and employees may report their
It provide adequate
safeguards against victimization of employees and directors who avail of the mechanism and also provide for
direct access to the chairperson
of the Audit committee or the director
nominated to play the role of audit committee, as the case may be, in
exceptional cases.
established, the existence of the mechanism may be appropriately communicated
within the organization
Date :
Name of the Employee/Director :
E- mail
id of the employee/Director :
Communication Address :
Contact No :
Subject matter which is reported :
(Name of the person/ event focused
at) :
Brief about the concern :
Evidence (enclose, if any)
Note: The whistle
blowing shall be submitted at least within 30 days of the
Occurrence of the concern/event (or) before occurrence
Companies Act 2013 comes into place, the Corporate(s) will have to institute
rigorous policy to allow employees to bring unethical and illegal practices to
the forefront and also train managers and executives on how to encourage openness.
Some of the companies already have a Whistle-Blower policy as a good corporate
governance practice and now most of the companies start to frame this policy to
comply with section 177 of the Companies Act 2013 &Corresponding Rules, which
will be notified shortly.
Neat Presentation. Nice Write up.Keep it up.
M.Sundar A.C.S