Saturday, 8 March 2025

CS Professional Old Syllabus : Tips for all 3 Modules : Interview with Monikha

1.       Hearty congratulations on completing the CS Course Monikha ; Did you write the groups separately or few of them together?


Thank you Sir. As everyone is aware of CS Professional (old syllabus) contains 3 modules. I attempted 3 modules separately. I think attempting modules separately gives us the ample of time to Study, especially those are simultaneously working.

2.       How many years it took to clear the Professional alone? Were you working/ doing your training?


For me, to complete professional examination it took around 2 years. Except module 1, other modules ( i.e.,2 ND and 3 RD have cleared in 1 st attempt).

At present, I have completed my training. While attempting my professional exams, I was in my articles.

3.       Can you tell paperwise how to prepare- first on Group 1 of old Syllabus


Paper 1- Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and Ethics


This consist of 4 parts.

1.       Governance – 50 marks(3rd important): It has 11 chapters. Just come across all the chapters once. Chapters in this part are mostly you would have studied in executive level.

2.       Risk Management – 20 marks (1st important): This is the part you should be thorough with. One chapter carries 20 marks. Start with this part 1st and learn the concepts clearly. All the concepts are very important, not to omit any topics. Answers can be written by your own words. Make sure you get at least around 15 marks in this part.

3.       Compliances - 20 marks (2nd important): This part consist of 3 chapters. This part is likewise important. All the notes mentioned above are applicable for this part.

4.       Ethics & Sustainability - 10 marks (4th important): This part consists of 3 chapters. The concepts in the chapters are general in nature. You can give your answers in your own.

Paper 2- Advanced Tax law

 This would be the subjective paper. Almost the same chapters were covered as you studied in Executive level. Only difference is in executive level you would have attempted in objective manner but here it is subjective. For me, when I start reading it was tough like how to attempt the paper, but once I gone through and practiced the sums, I gained confidence. I purchased class for tax, my advice for tax paper would be if you are really good in accounts and numbers you can study by your own, if not you can purchase the class. Most important in respect to pass this paper is to do a lot of practice.

This consist of 2 parts.

 1.       Indirect Taxes - 70 Marks: This part subdivide into 2:


a.  GST (60 marks) -


b.  Custom law (10 marks).


2.       Direct Tax & International Taxation: 30 Marks


Paper 3- Drafting, Pleading and appearances

This paper is to test our drafting skills. If you’re a person having good drafting skills then need not to be worried about this paper, all we want to do is to go through the formats given in the study material. Roughly for about 30-40 marks are pertaining to drafting the agreement etc., there will be direct questions also. I would say this subject will be really helpful in our CS career. Drafting will enhance our professionalism very much.

The tip I followed was, I wrote all the format in a paper while studying, in brief to make a quick revision frequently.

4. Tips on Group 2 papers…

Paper 4- Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence

This paper is the damn easy subjects in module – 2. I would say this would be your saving paper. This paper practically connects with our training very much. Need not spend much time in this subject. Learn the topics in the chapters write on your own.

These papers consist of 2 parts:

1.       Compliance Management - 40 Marks

2.       Secretarial Audit & Due Diligence - 60 Marks

Paper 5- Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation and Winding up 

Here comes the vast subject…..

This paper contains 2 books to study.


1.       Part I – Corporate Restructuring 50 marks


2.       Part II: Insolvency, Liquidation & Winding-Up - 50 Marks


Study all the chapters once in both the books, analyse in which book you are very much confident with. Do thorough learning over the concepts. There will be sums regarding valuation for about 10 marks. Try solving past question papers. While studying the 2nd part, start from the 1st chapter, do not skip the in-between concepts and jump to the next chapter. All the chapters are inter connected. Time management will be learnt from this subject, like to allocate time, preference etc. At the time of Revision, you would have only time to just flip the pages you have already studied, so while studying itself make sure you understood the concepts. Try to know most of the caselaw for better marks


Paper 6- Corporate restructuring and insolvency

 This subject is more with the legal terms. Some topics in this paper has to be byhearted. Do not skip any of the chapters. All the chapters have equal weightage. Try to know most of the caselaw for better marks. Caselaw based questions are highly asked.


5.       Module 3 papers


Coming to module 3, I would say this would be the easier one comparatively.


Paper 7- Corporate Funding and Listings in Stock Exchanges


This paper contains 2 parts.


1.       Corporate Funding - 60 Marks (2nd important)

2.       Listing - 40 Marks (1st important)


All the chapters are equally important. This would be the scoring paper in Module 3.


Paper 8 Multidisciplinary Case Studies Open book

This paper is full of case laws. 1st read all the caselaw and write in brief by your own. Know the concepts of the caselaw that would be enough. 2nd make Index with the name of the case law (like in case of SEBI write all the related caselaw, insolvency write all the related caselaw), this will help to point out the caselaw in the exam. Make sure you manage the time in the exam, for 1st 30 mins– 45 mins try to find out the caselaw.

Around 40 marks are asked relating to chapter 6 (Business Strategy and Management), book back in the study material and in general. For this refer previous 6 question papers which will gives an idea.


Paper 9- Electives- Open book

 I opted for Insolvency law and practice.

It is almost 90% same as insolvency in module 2.


6.       Which of the groups you found it difficult? Why- how you managed it

I felt 1st module is little difficult because of tax paper. I try solving as many model questions which helps me to pass.

7.       Module 2 of old syllabus lot of people struggle though the papers are core subjects of Company law- getting aggregate here is very difficult – how to handle it


I would say Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence paper is the scoring paper. I don’t think module 2 is though rather I would say it is vast because it contains 4 books to study. If we allocate correct time and constantly revising, it will lead to success. Study and remember as many caselaw you can to get more marks.


8.       Any general suggestions on how to prepare/ present.. mainly theory papers and open book exams?


·         Make sure you answer for 100 marks; even you don’t know the answer write something related to those concepts.

·         Try to mention section nos. wherever required.

·         Write the answers according to the marks.

·         Revise at least 2 times before going for exams. Try to write at least 1 past year question paper to allocate the time and that will gives you confident and clarity on how to present the paper.

·         Try to attempt most known answers/parts in the beginning of the answer paper.

·         In case of problem paper, there will be step marks so try attending all the questions.

·         For open book I have already mentioned in detail

All the best future Company Secretaries - Monikha

Interview by: CS Mohankumar

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