Wednesday 22 September 2021


 1.      Kindly share about your education – how you got attracted to CS course and how your progress in CS exams was.

I had to go for work at the age of seventeen and from thenthere was a continuous fight for allotment of time formy work and studies. I was introduced to CS course by my friends. It was not easy for me to clear the exams since I wanted to continue my work and I had to take care of my wife working in hospital having duties of different time, a little daughter and old parents. I didn’t want to settle with where I was. I wanted to come up and CS course, I thought,was the one and the only course which could be perfectly fixed with my situation at that time.

If you ask me the best quote in the world “Hard work never fails”. That solves all my problems.


2.      We understand that you worked in ICF and completed while you were working there. Please share that experience of working in ICF and completing the course

 Integral Coach Factory has a systematic and dynamic work culture. The people working with me were really very friendly and helpful. There was no scope for company secretary; so I resigned from the post of clerk and entered practice.

 3.      Did you work in any corporate as CS or start practice immediately on getting membership?

 I was tired of going to office and working under a boss. I wanted to be a freelancer. So, I started practice after my resignation from ICF. In practice, one can use his skills of time management, personnel management, behavioral management, business management, financial management, accounting management, communication management, brand management and administrative management, etc.Whether I want to close my office at 6.00 PM or I want to work up to12.00 PM, both are in my hands. Of course many times it is in the hands of MCA. This elasticity can be utilized for maintaining our level of income also.

 4.      You are so passionate about studying- what are the courses that you have studied? Any plans to study further?

 When I was working in ICF, I studied Diploma in Personnel Management, Industrial Relations,Labour Laws and Administrative law, etc. and degrees like, BAL etc. which helped me to work efficiently and effectively in ICF. During my practice, CWA, MBA Finance and LLB added to give good service to my clients. For my personal taste I studied M.A English and did M.Phil. in corporate secretaryship.

 5.      Kindly share about your family members.

 My wife is a Chief Nursing Superintendent in Railway Hospital, Perambur, Chennai; my daughter hasjust completed MBBS and started practice,and my aged mother isenjoying after watching our growth in every level. Everyone is very co-operative and helpful in my life.

 6.      You have a unique way of diary writing – can you share it with members?

 Many people write diary. In addition to that I have been following a different method of writing diary. Take an old diary and delete day and year in all pages leaving date and month. Now pick all the important events from your previous regular diaries or from your memories and write those events with year in the exact date and month in this diary so that you can see what happened in the past at one place. For example, if you open a page August 28, you may see, in 1998, you may have visited a foreign country, in 2001 you may have passed some exam, In 2003, may be the date of marriage, In 2008, son’s first day in school. So you can see every day, what happened in the previous years of the same day and month. It is a wonderful feeling and you can share the events with the person involved on that day like calling your friends informing that today is the day of our college farewell party in 2007.

 7.      You are a senior member and has crossed 50 years, but look very young. How is it possible?  How do you look at life and future at 50’s?

I am regularly doing exercise and going for walking. I am daily enjoying meditation. It has its own advantageous. So I recommend to all my colleagues and readers to do meditation. Meditation cannot be explained. It can be felt. I am not looking young. I am young, just in early 50’s.

8.      Your thoughts about how CS will progress in the coming years?

 As I already told you CS can use all his skills and dynamic knowledge he obtained from the Institute and will get a star positionin his life. Recognition to CS in various areas clearly shows its growth and importance in the corporate India.

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