It has been an year since New Syllabus is introduced. Honestly speaking, we rarely come across some one who has completed CS Professional program in New syllabus. One such rare person who wrote CS Professional in New syllabus & cleared is Ms. Ranjitha.
We asked her some questions on New Syllabus for the benefit of those doing CS Professional program.

I wrote the first two modules during December 2014 and the third module this June. I cleared them all in a single attempt.
I split and wrote due to personal reasons. However, I’ll always advise people to write all the three modules together even for the categories of people you mentioned due to the benefit of carry over and a possibility of a rank provided that they spend an hour studying every day, during weekends and a minimum of 12 hours per day of preparation during 20-25 days before the exams. If this is not possible, they may split and write but still it requires hard work because of the loss of carry over benefit. Plus the six months delay in getting membership will have a huge impact. The choice depends on the immediate needs of the person. In conclusion, it’s always better to write them together.
One need to certainly read the elective paper in advance, though it is an open book system. Only if the questions are direct, open book system will help. If the questions are indirect, we can answer only if we have read the book well.
The question paper pattern is the trickiest part of new syllabus. The conversion of external choice to internal choice leaves us with no choice but to study the whole syllabus. There are no objective questions which indicate that time management is going to be highly important. Many of my friends couldn’t finish the paper and that’s one mistake you should never do. Most questions are for 4 or 5 marks. So it’s better to give your answers point-wise or using flow charts to save time and simultaneously make a good presentation.
Generally, for all 9 papers, 3-4 months of preparation is required but it changes from person to person. First two months, 6 hours and the next two months a minimum of 12 hours preparation is required. Asking more questions on a particular subject and finding out answers will help in effective preparation.
I used my Coaching institute material and the ICSI material for my preparation. I used Bangar and Bangar for tax since I did the third module separately and had ample time but it is vast and I feel it is too much for CS exams. Based on the past new syllabus question papers, we can say that the ICSI material is sufficient to clear both FM and Tax papers.
The problem could be the strategy used. They are not completely problem-oriented. In case of FM paper at least 50% questions shall be theoretical. In Tax paper also questions of 20-25 marks are from the theory part (Appeals, procedures, penalties, etc.). Finish the theory portion a soon as possible. Concentrate on all the problems given in the ICSI material. Work out the problems of a minimum of 15 past exam question papers. People who have time constraints can use Bangar and Bangar book only for problems. The problems in tax and FM are simpler in new syllabus and this amount of preparation will suffice in my opinion.
Students must go through Institute material simultaneously no matter what book they use. For modules 2 and 3, Institute study material is more than sufficient and a must.
As I told earlier, if people have difficulty in working out problems, they can concentrate completely n theory first and then try work out problems as much as possible. Understanding the concept behind the working of problems is more important than working out more number of problems. Studying the theory part is essential to understand the logic and concept behind every problem.
70 marks allotment to Indirect tax is a boon to New syllabus students. Given that the problems asked in IDT are simple in nature and the 20-25 marks theory part will be highly useful, I’ll recommend preparing IDT in an exhaustive manner first. Questions on amendments during the previous 6 months can always be expected. Tax requires a lot of time and a minimum of two revisions.
Yes the valuation has been strict especially in case of new syllabus. The question paper pattern demands an exhaustive preparation and the manner of valuation demands concise and to the point answers
The question paper pattern requires the students to study all the chapters. Smart work plus hard work only will bear fruits. So students should learn all the chapters and when it comes to law papers clear interpretation is absolutely necessary. Giving only the answer to the question asked and presenting it in a manner which poses no difficulty to the examiner to understand are prime requisites.
I studied the entire material and it is highly recommended.
I revised the first two modules once and the third module twice. I’ll recommend two revisions for all subjects to be sure about clearing.
I think the papers in Second module are all easy and one can score well.
First few days of preparation will be dull. So to avoid these ineffective hours spent, students can start even earlier and be casual in the beginning. Also, it is not completely necessary that you stay away from all entertainment like movies or hanging out with friends. Pushing yourself too much will make this course a punishment. Enjoying what you learn is the most important thing. By virtue of my Guruji, company Law became my entertainment when I wanted a way out from dull papers like FM or Corporate Governance. So all things said, a passion towards the course will go a longer way than every strategy recommended by me. All the best to all the students. Thank you.
You may also read the following related articles:
CS Final - How to prepare and present - Tips by Ms. Sanofar All India Rankholder
CS Final - Subject wise Analysis- Guidance from a senior
Cs Final - Tips from Balaji, Rank holder
How to prepare Module II & III of CS Final
How to prepare for Electives, FM & Tax - Chat with seniors
Whats up chat with seniors - How to prepare for CS Final exams
We asked her some questions on New Syllabus for the benefit of those doing CS Professional program.

Congrats for passing CS Professional in New
syllabus. Did you clear all modules of CS Final in single attempt or how did
you attempt it?
Would you advise people studying some other
course or working to write 3 modules together or few modules only at a time?
How was the New syllabus in general? Course
content and examination….
The new syllabus
content is vast however beneficial to students in various aspects especially
with respect to Tax paper. Students may find the introduction of ITSA paper
uncomfortable but its syllabus is very small and if spent 3 hours a day, you
can finish it in 12 days. The elective papers are interesting and even though
they are open book exams, reasonable amount of preparation is inevitable.
What kind of preparation is required for
How different was the question paper pattern
in new syllabus?
How much preparation (in terms of time) is
required to clear CS Professional?
Generally, for all 9 papers, 3-4 months of preparation is required but it changes from person to person. First two months, 6 hours and the next two months a minimum of 12 hours preparation is required. Asking more questions on a particular subject and finding out answers will help in effective preparation.
What are the books that you used mainly for
Problem oriented papers (FM, Tax, etc)? Which one you will recommend?
I used my Coaching institute material and the ICSI material for my preparation. I used Bangar and Bangar for tax since I did the third module separately and had ample time but it is vast and I feel it is too much for CS exams. Based on the past new syllabus question papers, we can say that the ICSI material is sufficient to clear both FM and Tax papers.
What are the reasons students struggle a lot
in FM & Tax and how can they overcome it?
Was the Institute study material useful? If
so, for which subjects they can be relied upon?
Any specific tips to clear FM?
Any specific tips to clear Tax?
Do you think that the valuation in exams is
very strict?
Why people take long time to clear ACS
Professional nowadays? How can it be overcome?
The question paper pattern requires the students to study all the chapters. Smart work plus hard work only will bear fruits. So students should learn all the chapters and when it comes to law papers clear interpretation is absolutely necessary. Giving only the answer to the question asked and presenting it in a manner which poses no difficulty to the examiner to understand are prime requisites.
Did you study entire material/ book or did you
leave any chapter or portion?
I studied the entire material and it is highly recommended.
How many times you revised? How many revisions
are required to clear?
I revised the first two modules once and the third module twice. I’ll recommend two revisions for all subjects to be sure about clearing.
Is there any paper that you may say as Scoring
What are the other things that you would like
to share for clearing CS professional exams
You may also read the following related articles:
CS Final - How to prepare and present - Tips by Ms. Sanofar All India Rankholder
CS Final - Subject wise Analysis- Guidance from a senior
Cs Final - Tips from Balaji, Rank holder
How to prepare Module II & III of CS Final
How to prepare for Electives, FM & Tax - Chat with seniors
Whats up chat with seniors - How to prepare for CS Final exams
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