Discussion on Important
queries under Companies Act
@ Chennai West Study Circle meeting – 25 April 2015
@ Chennai West Study Circle meeting – 25 April 2015

1. Related party transactions between group
companies (Private Limited
Companies): Deadlock when all Directors/
Shareholders are relatives:
If Private
Company has only two shareholders. How a resolution related to an
between a shareholder and Company can be passed?
In case of a
Private Limited Company, only if the related party transaction is not at arms
length and not in ordinary course of business, Special resolution of
shareholders will be required.
The probable
solution as on date is : Taking one or two more Director/ Shareholder into the
Company/ Board & pass the necessary resolution with disinterested quorum. Such
inducted Directors may even resign after the resolution is passed.
It is difficult
for some management to convince it though;
Hope Private Company
exemptions notification come soon, after which this can be rectified.
2. Private Limited Company – Issue of shares to a
new shareholder
Private Limited
Companies if they want to issue shares to a person who is not
an existing
shareholder, they need to follow the procedure of issuing offer
letter, making a
private placement, Valuation from a CA, etc. This is
cumbersome &
can be avoided.
As per Sec. 62
(1) (a) (ii) , if shared are issued to existing shareholders and if they
renouce, then it can be issued to other shareholders without following Offer
letter, Pvt placement, etc “in the interest of the Company”.
3. On resignation of a Director: Consequence for
not filing DIR 11
What are the implications, if the Director fails to
file his resignation with the MCA, despite the company filing the same with the
Few members
opined that it is better to make Form DIR 11 as voluntary and can be used by
Director when the Company refuses to intimate the ROC about the Director’s
resignation. In other cases, it becomes difficult to file such Form; at times need
to apply for Digital signature after the Director’s resignation.
Other members
informed few reasons & the need to
have this Form.
It was mentioned
that no penalty has been provided for non filing of DIR 11. Sec. 172 will be
applicable where no penalty has been provided under Companies Act 2013. Not
sure if this section will be applicable in this case. Different views emerged in
this regard.
4. Independent Director- Should he be appointed in
AGM Only?
As the Act
authorizes appointment of Independent Director to
some opine that they cannot be appointed as Additional
Director by the
Board. So should we call for AGM or EGM for appointing
Director can be appointed in Board; Confirmation of him as Independent Director
can happen in AGM; Some companies take a stricter view & hold an EGM for
appointing Independent Director; many CS felt that it is not required. MCA clarification
in this regard would be really helpful.
5. Listed Companies – Quorum of 30 members in AGM
.. A concern
Companies having
more than 5000 shareholders need to have 30 members as
the quorum for
General meeting. This could give rise to practical difficulties,
when the Registered office is situated in Non metro ( A city like
Members present
agreed that it is difficult to have 30 members quorum when meetings are
conducted at a remote place. When E voting has come in and most of the members
have voted through E Voting already, not sure why Act insist for 30 members for
AGM. This a difficulty and may be represented to MCA.
6. Managerial Remuneration – Schedule V – Does it
apply to Private Limited
Company as well?
There are two
interpretations going around regarding Schedule V : one view
is that the
limits is applicable for the Managerial remuneration in case of
Companies also; other view that it is not applicable. Which one is
It was felt that
the limits mentioned in Sch V is not applicable to Private Limited Companies.
(Different views & interpretations emerged during discussion)
Even on a strict
interpretation, holding that Schedule V
applies to Private Limited Companies, you can pass Special resolution in
General meeting and can pay the remuneration fixed by shareholders.
7. Managerial Remuneration – Can companies pay
higher amount till
As per the
Companies Act, 1956,the Companies can take post-facto approval
from Central
Government for payment of remuneration exceeding the
schedule XIII
limits to Managing Director. Till receipt of approval, MD/WTD used to hold such
money paid as remuneration in trust and need to return, incase approval is not obtained.
As per new Companies act, is listed Companies and Subsidiary of listed
Companies can take the same stand? or without prior approval, remuneration
cannot be paid more than limits given in Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013?
It was suggested
to pay only what is legally allowed / payable. Excess salary may not be paid
without approval as the words used are prior approval.
8. CFO & CS Salary: Shall it be approved by
Nomination & Remuneration
normally take the approval for MD remuneration (including
increase) by
specifying all the components in the Board resolution. Is similar
resolution needs
to be passed in Nomination and Remuneration Committee &
Board for CFO
and CS remuneration?
Further increase
in the senior management remuneration – whether it needs
to be approved
by Nomination and Remuneration Committee? Or just noting
of the same in
Nomination and Remuneration Committee is sufficient?
One view was
that : It is better to draft a Compensation policy and it may be adopted by the
Committee. If the increase/ appraisal is as per this policy, that will suffice.
Another view
was: Better to have the approval of the Committee for increase in salary for
CFO, CS & Top management.
9. CSR ACTIVITIES : Whether they
should be restricted to Schedule VII
of the Act only?
MCA vide General Circular No. 21/2014 dated June18,
2014 has clarified that the statutory provision and provisions of CSR Rules,
2014, is to ensure that while activities undertaken in pursuance of the CSR
policy must be relatable to Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013. However,
the entries in the said Schedule VII must be interpreted liberally so as to
capture the essence of the subjects enumerated in the said Schedule. The items
enlisted in the Schedule VII of the Act, are broad-based and are intended to
cover a wide range of activities.
10. Financial year… 31st March..
If a Company
wants to have Financial year to 31st December, going forward,
shall it apply
to Central Government year on year basis or a one time approval
can be given by
Central Government to have 31st December as the year end?
Law is silent
whether Central Govt can give approval for 1 year or indefinitely; Companies
can mention in their prayer that they are doing so because their parent
(Holding) company has a December year ending; hence as long as the parent’s
year ending is December, the Subsidiary may also have December year end. We
need to wait and watch how approvals are given in the next few years.
11. Resident Director
Every Company to
have one Director who has stayed in India for atleast 182
days in the
previous Calendar year.
If a person has
come and stayed in India for more than 182 days in the
current calendar
year, why it is not considered?
Yes. Law as on
date take into account 182 days in previous calendar year. If he has stayed in
current year, it is not taking that into account. Need representation to
12. Independent Director’s relative: Cannot work in
the Company or
subsidiary at all !
The word
"employee" (section 149 (6) e ( i) )prohibits any of independent
relatives to work in the status of employee. Can the relative work
as trainee or
intern in the company ? Will that affect the status of
independency of
independent director? Any definition available for
" under companies act?
As per the
definition given, any relative cannot be appointed as an employee. But he can
provide consultancy services
Sec. 149 (6)
none of whose relatives
has or had pecuniary relationship or transaction with the company, its holding,
subsidiary or associate company, or their promoters, or directors, amounting
to two per cent. or more of its gross turnover or total income or fifty lakh
rupees or such higher amount as may be prescribed, whichever is lower,
during the two immediately preceding financial years or during the current
financial year;
per this Section, we can appoint him as a consultant (not on the rolls of the
Company) and he can provide Consultancy services.
13. Nomination and Remuneration committee to have 3
Non Executive
It is a
practical difficulty that the Nomination & Remuneration committee
shall have 3 Non
Executive Director. A listed Company can exist with 3
Directors ( One
promoter Director and 2 Independent Director) for most
part; but this
provision insists that this committee need to have 3 Non
Director; at times Nominee/ Investor Directors are there in
Board; but they
don’t intend to join any committee. So practical difficulties
arise. It will
be better if the provision is changed that Nomination and
Committee shall have 2 Non Executive Director.
Yes. As on date
need to have 3 Director. Probably this can be amended to 2 Directors. We need
to represent.
There was
another view that it is better to have atleast 3 Non Executive/ Independent
Director in the Board; for example, Audit committee need to have 2 Independent
Directors presence for any meeting; if a Company has only 2 Independent
Director, it may be difficult at times to have both their presence. So having 3
Independent Directors in a Company is good in many ways.
14. One Lakh Deposit – Is it required for Private
Companies also?
Whether Rs. 1
lakh deposit for contesting the Election of Director -
required for
private limited companies, in which a new director is appointed
in the General
Yes. It is Required.
The deposit amount need to come into the Company’s books and can be repaid only
after the Director getting elected.
Company cannot accept cheques and keep them without presenting and returing the same cheque given by Director after election. This is not a good practice.
15. Consolidated Financial Statement : Whether Co’s
incorporate outside
India is exempt?
Sec 129 (3)
speaks about preparation of consolidated financial statements by
all the
Companies having one or more subsidiaries.
However, does
the MCA notification dated January 16, 2015 (amendment to
the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014), exempt companies having subsidiaries
outside from preparing the consolidated financial statements for
the financial
year commencing on or after April 1, 2014? So does Companies
outside India are exempt from Consolidation?
For the current
year only the exemption of not attaching the Companies incorporated outside
India applies. From next year, exemption is not applicable.
16. ADT 1 – FILING
Whether to file
ADT 1 for the reappointment of auditors in AGM 2015, who
are appointed in AGM 2014 for 5 year?
It was suggested
that ADT 1 may be filed after the appointment of auditor is ratified every year
at the AGM.
17. Auditor – Not reappointed: A practical
A company has
appointed an auditor for 5 years in AGM 2014. Act requires
ratification by shareholders in every AGM through appointed for 5
years. In case
the appointed auditor is not reappointed in the subsequent
AGM, which form
is required to be filed for non reappointment of auditor in
the forthcoming
AGM? For new auditor, Form ADT 1 will be filed. Our
question is the
earlier ADT 1 is filed for 5 years; How will ROC come to know
that – that
particular auditor is no more rendering service to the Company?
Discussion :
ADT 3 to be
filed to intimate that the existing auditor is no more rendering service and
ADT 1 to be filed to intimate the details of new Auditor.
18. Issue of shares & MGT 14
Section 179
(3)(c) speaks about directors power to issue securities. MGT 14 is
required to be
filed for this. If a company proposes to make issue of shares.
When to file the
said form, at time of proposal to issue or at time of allotment
of shares?
MGT 14 to be
filed at the time of Issue of such shares.
19. Private Companies required to Comply with
Listing agreement
Private Limited
Company wherein just 2 shareholders are there has issued
NCD’s. With this
background, the company falls in to the category of Listed
Company as per
the definition in Companies Act, 2013 & all Listing related
Compliances need
to be adhered to. t is felt that such companies should be
exempted from
the compliances pertaining to listed companies . There are
many such
private limited companies listing their Debt instruments of this
Yes. Private
Companies whose Debentures are listed are covered as of now. Need
representation to have easier compliance for such Companies.
20. An Unlisted Public Company which is required to
appoint Independent Director and Women Director has not appointed them; what
will be the penalty / consequence?
Penalty has been
provided under the Act. We need to wait & watch if MCA gives extension for
the unlisted Companies to appoint or prosecute/ levy penalty for non
21. Statutory Register
If a Private
company is maintaining Statutory register under Companies Act
1956, Whether
all the details related to members, their shareholding
and directors
their shareholding details are required to re write
in Statutory
register under Companies Act 2013.
New statutory
register is applicable from 1.4.2014 only; so past details may be maintained in
the Statutory register maintained under 1956 Act.
Disclaimer: This is just a summary of discussion happened at a meeting & shall not be treated as a professional advise.
Disclaimer: This is just a summary of discussion happened at a meeting & shall not be treated as a professional advise.
If we have applied for the change of name for the company and the MOA AOA is as per companies act 1956 then whether we need to Alter them as per companies act 2013?